Monday, 15 September 2008

'Home' photo by Maddie


Maddy Reece said...

So sorry for the delay! and also i want to say i did already have this photo in my collection! however the weather hasn't been good for me to get a good shot so that's my reason for not taking one this week. I usually really hate typical photos of the beach, but the reason I chose this photo is because I was thinking hard on what home meant to me at the moment, and in the last 4 year years I have lived in 4 different places (5 if we include coming back to my parents for holidays) so thinking about what home is to me when you've moved so often is quite hard. So I chose this photo, when I was a uni and thought of my Worthing home I would think firstly of the beach, because I grew up living 2 minutes from it and I love it so I missed it when I was in Southampton and the beach would remind me of Worthing and that of course reminded me of Home and family and Friends in Worthing! Also I now haved moved back to my parents, so I am back living 2 minutes from the beach. Sorry ladies for picking a hard topic! X

Liz Zelie said...

We forgive you. :-) Glad that you finally posted, I especially like the clouds in the picture.

deb said...

Ohhh Maddy! I miss you and you're making me feel home-sick with that beautiful Worthing tribute! Must ring and chat very soon xxx

Becky Fox said...

Beautiful photo Maddy, i particularly like the lighting in it. x